Sam Houston Ridgway 1936–2022



Sam Ridgway, also known as the “Dolphin Doctor,” was a giant in field of marine mammalogy with impacts that spread from mammal veterinary medicine, to dive physiology, and bioacoustics. cofounder U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program (MMP), founding president International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, CEO National Foundation. He recipient Kenneth S. Norris Lifetime Achievement Award Society Mammalogy Clinical Medicine Fellow Acoustical America, an Honorary Diplomate American College Zoological Medicine. With over 350 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, books his credit, he true founder career spanned more than 60 years. born Bigfoot, Texas, 1936 Morris Shepard Florence Lipscomb Ridgway. grew up agricultural community surrounded by farm animals two younger brothers, Don Sid. describes it “dirt farm” handful animals. Growing somewhat limited means, influenced periodic visits Dr. Sharp, local veterinarian who would come treat Against backdrop rural community, thought Sharp seemed be doing pretty well himself. Somewhere early teens, decided wanted veterinarian, or maybe play football, game which loved. remembers once telling father, “I can I but can't do both.” obtained undergraduate degree Texas A&M University 1958. It during time at took shot playing college football under Bear Bryant, arguably greatest coach 20th century. did not make team, never lessened love university football. “Aggie” through through. Two years later, 1960, obtain same university. soon after joined Air Force. Following short stint Force base south, deployed Oxnard care dolphin part emerging program within Navy. The interested studying hydrodynamics order reduce drag boats torpedoes. Although knew nothing about dolphins time, become first one founders what MMP. Formalized 1963, MMP sought determine if mammals could perform tasks were difficult dangerous human divers. In 1970, received fellowship study Sir Richard Harrison Cambridge earn PhD neurobiology. Here, used telemetry devices seal heart rate brain function diving while sleeping. Forever pushing envelope, somehow convinced allow him flood classrooms science building so house seals studies! Such request seem rather foolish, certainly no modern-day graduate student think making such request, dissuaded word “can't.” attitude permeate career. Sam's work lead led acquire begin publishing clinical data on medical small cetaceans pinnipeds. there relatively large amount taxonomy anatomy little baseline physiological even less information health assessments successful treatment disease cetaceans. Being charged full-time dolphins, pioneered utilizing creating standards their welfare. To address questions, designed performed research studies uncovered fundamental physiology these continuously strove develop new methods care, including diagnostic, anesthetic, surgical techniques. His foundational aptly earned title “father medicine.” Mammals Sea: Biology published 50 ago, remains highly sought-after resource veterinarians scientists around world (Ridgway, 1972). worked cared many career, memory complete without mentioning most important life—Tuffy. began working Tuffy 1962. 1965, started famous member SeaLab II project, effort explore possibility having divers (aquanauts) live depths several hundred meters long periods time. jobs delivering tools mail aquanauts. eyes, “domesticated” dolphin; learned reliably follow boat, retrieve objects underwater, carry objects, divers, various other tasks. developed strong bond Tuffy, continue projects stated grieved almost had lost family when passed away. book, Dolphin Doctor, is testament special relationship between 1987). late 1960s, E. G. Wever utilize electrophysiological techniques animal hearing. colleagues lab collected audiogram green sea turtle Wever, et al., 1969). met friend colleague, James McCormick, this Using honed collaborations subsequently comprehensive date biomechanics hearing, particularly enigmatic subject due dolphin's high-frequency use echolocation, unique auditory (McCormick 1970). partnered Theodore Bullock, considered fathers neuroethology, how electrical potentials evoked might promote (AEPs) hearing throughout 1980, looking into future, called creation portable AEP system test whales smaller cetacean species existed. 1990s, Carder, system, although trailer transport it. attempted recordings baleen whale, stranded gray whale calf, JJ, brought SeaWorld San Diego rehabilitation (Ridgway & 2001). Today, potential systems carried operated person exist and—at least cetaceans—have been number made available only stranding events. These are vision enthusiasm approach. well-known partnership numerous training experts enabled some truly phenomenal behavior dolphins. open ocean investigations respiratory gas dynamics any cetacean, mention capturing picture (Tuffy) experiencing thoracic collapse depth Scronce, Kanwisher, 1969)! went similar types trained belugas, them deep waters near Clemente Island diving, pressure affected sound production 2000s, moved water air—he imaging 2006). previously typically postmortem, promoted functional (positron emission tomography, single-photon computerized tomography) metabolism blood flow structures. Indeed, great passions brain. specimens career; “brainery” legendary. intrigued structure brain, compared terrestrial mammals, differed species, evolved support functions required fully aquatic life. particular interest unihemispheric sleep, unusual trait odontocetes mammals. uniquely charming steel trap mind. manner slow speaking accent disarming, unparalleled people's names, events, research. If you once, probably remember you. genuine every student, teammate encountered know anything “new” idea propose one-stop shop educated. likely include rummaging metal file cabinets pull out conducted decades earlier, gotten (yet). last years, concerted publish those studies, authors know, still lifetime invaluable scientific Ridgway archives. There stories told we cannot fit space allocated memoriam—his pigs, literary contributions, reclining dentist chair office chair, unwavering commitment showed teammates, devotion both doctoral students (who always for), course, sweetheart nearly Jeanette, away 2020. For us personally, feel loss passing. friendship, warmth, mentorship will sorely missed, mark remain. field, encouraged all stand shoulders build upon knowledge created further elevate science, conservation. Dorian Houser: Writing – original draft. Cynthia R Smith: review editing.

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عنوان ژورنال: Marine Mammal Science

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['0824-0469', '1748-7692']